• As Featured On EzineArticles To have knowledge, you must first have reverence for the Lord. Stupid people have no respect for wisdom and refuse to learn. Pay attention to what your father and mother tell you, my son. Their teaching will improve your character as a handsome turban or as a necklace improves your appearance.

When sinners tempt you, my son, don't give in. Suppose they say, "Come on; let's find someone to kill! Let's attack some innocent people for the fun of it! They may be alive and well when we find them, but they will be dead when we're through with them! We will find all kinds of riches and fill our houses with loot! Come and join us, and we'll all share what we steal."

Don't go with people like that, my son. Stay away from them. They can't wait to do something bad. They're always ready to kill. It does no good to spread a net when the bird you want to catch is watching, but men like that are setting a trap for themselves, a trap in which they will die. Robbery always claims the life of the robber - this is what happens to anyone who lives by violence. 


  • Don't forget what I teach you, my son. Always remember what I tell you to do. My teachings will give you a long and prosperous life. Never let go of loyalty and faithfulness. Tie them round your neck; write them on your heart. If you do this, both God and man will be pleased with you.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. Remember the Lord in everything you do, and he will show you the right way. Never let yourself think that you are wiser than you are; simply obey the Lord and refuse to do wrong. If you do, it will be like good medicine, healing your wounds and easing your pains. Honour the Lord by making him an offering from the best of all that your land produces. If you do, your barns will be filled with grain, and you will have too much wine to be able to store it all.

When the Lord corrects you, my son, pay close attention and take it as a warning. The Lord corrects those he loves, as a father corrects a son of whom he is proud. Happy is the man who becomes wise-who gains understanding. There is more profit in it than there is in silver; it is worth more to you than gold. Wisdom is more valuable than jewels; nothing you could want can compare with it. Wisdom offers you long life, as well as wealth and honour. Wisdom can make your life pleasant and lead you safely through it. Those you become wise are happy; wisdom will give them life.

The Lord created the earth by his wisdom; by his knowledge he set the sky in place. His wisdom caused the rivers to flow and the clouds to give rain to the earth. Hold on to your wisdom and insight, my son. Never let them get away from you. They will provide you with life - a pleasant and happy life. You can go safely on your way and never even stumble. You will not be afraid when you go to bed, and you will sleep soundly through the night. You will not have to worry about disasters, such as come on the wicked like a storm. The Lord will keep you safe. He will not let you fall into a trap.

Whenever you possibly can, do good to those who need it. Never tell your neighbour to wait until tomorrow if you can help him now. Don't plan anything that will hurt your neighbour; he lives beside you, trusting you. Don't argue with someone for no reason when he has never done you any harm. Don't be jealous of violent people or decide to act as they do, because the Lord hates people who do evil, but he takes righteous men into confidence. The Lord puts a curse on the homes of wicked men, but blesses the homes of the righteous. He has no use for conceited people, but shows favour to those who are humble. Wise men will gain an honourable reputation, but stupid men will only add to their own disgrace.