• As Featured On EzineArticles If you listen to me(wisdom), you will know what is right, just and fair. You will know what you should do. You will be able to resist any immoral woman who tries to seduce you with her smooth talk, who is faithless to her own husband and forgets her sacred vows. If you go to her house, you are travelling the road to death. To go there is to approach the world of the dead. No one who visits her ever comes back. He never returns to the road of life.-BIBLE PROVERBS 2:9,16-19
  • Pay attention, my son, and listen to my wisdom and insight. Then you will know how to behave properly and your words will show that you have knowledge. The lips of another man's wife may be as sweet as honey and her kisses as smootht as olive-oil, but when it is all over, she leaves you nothing but bitterness and pain. She will take you down to the world of the dead; the road she walks is the road to death. She does not stay on the road to life; but wanders off, and does not realize what is happening.

Now listen to me, my sons, and never forget what I am saying. Keep away from such a woman! Don't even go near her door! If you do, others will gain the respect that you once had, and you will die young at the hands of merciless men. Yes, strangers will take all your wealth, and what you have worked for will belong to someone else. You will lie groaning on your deathbed, your flesh and muscles being eaten away, and you will say,"Why would I never learn? Why would I never let anyone correct me? I wouldn't listen to my teachers. I paid no attention to them. And suddenly I found myself publicly disgraced.

Be faithful to your own wife and give your love to he alone. Children that you have from other women will do you no good. Your children will grow up to help you, not strangers. So be happy with your wife and find your joy with the girl you married-pretty and graceful as a deer. Let her charms keep you happy; let her surround you with her love. Why should you give your life to another woman, my son? Why should you prefer the charms of another man's wife? The Lord sees everything you do. Whatever you do, he is watching. The sins of a wicked man are a trap. He gets caught in the net of his own sin. He dies because he has no self-control. His utter stupidity will send him to his grave.


  • Do what your father tells you, my son and never forget what your mother taught you. Keep their words with you always, locked in your heart. Their teaching will lead you when you travel, protect you at night, and advice you during the day. Their instructions are a shining light; their correction can teach you how to live. It can keep you away from bad women, from the seductive word's of other men's wives. Don't be tempted by their beauty; don't be trapped by their flirting eyes. A man can hire a prostitute for the price of a loaf of bread, but adultery will cost him all he has.

Can you carry fire against your chest without burning your clothes? Can you walk on hot coals without burning your feet? It is just as dangerous to sleep with another man's wife. Whoever does it will suffer. People don't despise a thief if he steals food when he is hungry; yet if he is caught, he must pay back seven times more-he must give up everything he has. But a man who commits adultery hasn't any sense. He is just destroying himself. He will be dishonoured and beaten up; he will be permanently disgraced. A husband is never angrier when he is jealous; his revenge knows no limits. He will not accept any payment; no amount of gifts will satisfy his anger.


  • Remember what I say, my son, and never forget what I tell you to do. Do what I say, and you will live. Be as careful to follow my teaching as you are to protect your eyes. Keep my teaching with you all the time; write it on your heart. Treat wisdom as your sister and insight as your closest friend. They will keep you away from other men's wives, from women with seductive words.

Once I was looking out of the window of my house, and I saw many inexperienced young men, but noticed one foolish fellow in particular. He was walking along the street near the corner where a certain woman lived. He was passing near her house in the evening after it was dark. And then she met him; she was dressed like a prostitute and was making plans. She was a bold and a shameless woman who always walked the streets or stood waiting at a corner,  sometimes in the streets, sometimes in the market-place. She threw her arms round the young man, kissed him and looked him straight in the eye, and said, "I made my offerings today and have meat from the sacrifices. So I came out looking for you. I wanted to find you and here you are! I've covered my bed with sheets of coloured linen from Egypt. I've perfumed it with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon. Come on! Lets make love all night long. We'll be happy in each other's arms. My husband isn't at home. He's gone away on a long journey. He took plenty of money with him and won't be back for two weeks." So she tempted him with her charms, and he gave in to her smooth talk. Suddenly he was going with her like an ox on the way to be slaughtered, like a deer prancing into a trap where an arrow would pierce it's heart. He was like a bird going into a net-he did not know that his life was in danger.

Now then, my sons, listen to me. Pay attention to what I say. Do not let such a woman win your heart; don't go wandering after her. She has been the ruin of many men and caused the death of too many to count. If you go to her house, you are on the way to the world of the dead. It is a short cut to death.


  • Adultery is a trap - it catches those with whom the Lord is angry.-BIBLE PROVERBS 22:14
  • Prostitutes and immoral women are a deadly trap. They wait for you like robbers and cause many men to be unfaithful.-BIBLE PROVERBS 23:27-28
  • It is foolish to spend money on prostitutes.-BIBLE PROVERBS 29:3 
  • This is how an unfaithful wife acts: she commits adultery, has a bath, and says, "But I haven't done anything wrong!"-BIBLE PROVERBS 30:20